At our Enchanted summer camp children will embark on a whimsical journey where their imaginations take center stage! In this magical program, young adventurers will step into the mystical world of “Alice in Wonderland,” immersing themselves in the captivating tales of Alice’s Adventures and the curious world Beyond the Looking-Glass.
Transported down the rabbit-hole, children will unleash their creativity by crafting their own woodland entryway to Wonderland. Picture a lush forest transformed into a playground of wonders, featuring mystical magic potions, royal Queen’s Games, and an extraordinary Mad Hatter’s tea party. This immersive experience promises not only to inspire but to create cherished memories that will linger in their hearts for years to come. Join us for a summer of fantastical exploration and let the enchantment begin!
TimberNook Lakes Region
Enchanted – TimberNook Lakes Region
Jul 22 - Jul 26
Times: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Ages: 5 - 9
1386 Meredith Center Rd, Laconia, NH 03246
Holly McKinney
Brandi Reed
Kensie Wiebe
Capacity: 24 (0 spots left)
$295.00 per child
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