TimberNook Greater Quad Cities : Blue Grass, Iowa

TimberNook Greater Quad Cities is nestled on the edge of Scott and Muscatine Counties in Iowa, and just across the Mississippi River from Rock Island, Illinois. The space consists of 10 acres; half of which is restored Iowa prairie, the other half, hilly woodland. There is access to a small creek adjacent to the site. Opportunities abound for unlimited outdoor exploration and play. TimberNook programming will be available this summer, we have successfully received a provisional special use permit, allowing Camp Kawnipi to run TimberNook programming in a day camp format.


TimberNook Greater Quad Cities is a privately owned 10 acre site, allowing limitless opportunities for children to create and become their best selves through outdoor play and exploration. We believe that children thrive and flourish when they are provided with time/space in an experiential environment that enhances and enriches the ...
TimberNook Greater Quad Cities is a privately owned 10 acre site, allowing limitless opportunities for children to create and become their best selves through outdoor play and exploration. We believe that children thrive and flourish when they are provided with time/space in an experiential environment that enhances and enriches the senses. The benefits of outdoor nature play, in conjunction with endless opportunities for exploration creates an environment where children can: thrive, take supervised risks, problem solve independently, improve and develop both large and fine motor skills, imagine, collaborate, create community, laugh, play and develop the all-important skill of resilience. TimberNook believes in offering maximum opportunities for children to explore and take risks, while ALWAYS MAXIMIZING SAFETY of children. We have safety protocols, staff training, which include first aid and CPR, a very low adult to child supervision ratio in order to maximize and ensure safety while providing ample opportunities for child-led and child-driven play opportunities.
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Timbernook Certified Provider
Your Certified Provider:
Sherry Plath O'Keefe

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 563-349-6617

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The Team
Lisa Dellitt


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Sherry Plath O'Keefe

Director and Founder of Camp Kawnipi

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Sarah Sheldon

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